Stories tagged #advocacywork

From Drug Dealing to Advocacy: A Journey of Redemption and Purpose
Forgiveness and Redemption • 10min read

From Drug Dealing to Advocacy: A Journey of Redemption and Purpose

The world was a different place back then. The air was thick with the smell of coal and steam, and the streets were bustling with people from all walks of life. It was a time when anything seemed possible - when dreams could come true if you just worked hard enough. And for one young girl, that dream was to become a pilot. She had always been fascinated by planes, ever since she saw her first biplane at an air show as a child.

Crash to Cause: A Journey of Advocacy and Personal Growth
Personal Growth Journey • 11min read

Crash to Cause: A Journey of Advocacy and Personal Growth

The sound of waves crashing against the shore, the smell of saltwater in the air, and seagulls calling out above; these were all familiar sensations to Emma. Every summer, she would leave her hometown and spend weeks on end at her family's beach house. It was a place where she could forget about everything else and bask in the simple pleasures of life: swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles with her little sister, and going for long walks along the shoreline.