Stories tagged #BreakingStereotypes

Athlete and Scholar: Overcoming Stereotypes to Form an Unlikely Bond
Unlikely friendships • 9min read

Athlete and Scholar: Overcoming Stereotypes to Form an Unlikely Bond

It was the night of the big storm. The wind howled and the rain pounded against the windows as Jessica sat alone in her small apartment. She had always found comfort in storms, but this one felt different. As she wrapped herself tighter in a blanket and sipped her tea, she couldn't shake an uneasy feeling that something was going to happen.

Breaking Boundaries: A Biker and a Librarian Bond Over Books
Unlikely friendships • 12min read

Breaking Boundaries: A Biker and a Librarian Bond Over Books

The old mansion on the hill had always been a source of fear for the locals. Its decaying walls and overgrown gardens were said to be haunted by the spirits of its former owners, who died in mysterious circumstances many years ago. But when a group of teenagers dared each other to spend a night inside the mansion, they didn't expect to find themselves transported back in time to witness the dark secrets that lay hidden within its walls.

Unexpected Friendship: When a Biker and Librarian Find Common Ground
Unlikely friendships • 11min read

Unexpected Friendship: When a Biker and Librarian Find Common Ground

The sun had just set over the city skyline, casting an orange glow over the bustling streets below. Amongst the crowds that filled the sidewalks, there was one person who stood out from the rest. Her name was Lily and she was a street artist known for her vibrant murals that adorned abandoned buildings throughout the city. As she walked, she spotted a new canvas - an old brick wall on a quiet side street.