Stories tagged #ChildTrafficking

Lured: A Tale of Online Love and Human Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery • 9min read

Lured: A Tale of Online Love and Human Trafficking

The world was crumbling around them, yet they still clung onto hope. The sun had disappeared behind a never-ending sea of clouds, leaving the sky an eerie shade of gray. Buildings lay in ruins, their foundations shattered by relentless bombs and gunfire. But amidst the chaos and destruction, two souls found each other.

Stolen Child: A Journey of Adoption, Heartbreak, and Justice
Modern Day Slavery • 10min read

Stolen Child: A Journey of Adoption, Heartbreak, and Justice

The sun had just set in the small town of Millfield, and the air was thick with humidity. The street lamps flickered to life as a light drizzle began to fall from the sky. It was a typical summer evening in this quiet town, but tonight there was something different in the air. Whispers spread through the community about strange occurrences happening at night. People were reporting hearing eerie sounds and seeing unusual figures lurking around their homes.