Stories tagged #determination

Triumph Over MS: One Mans Journey to Conquer Ironman
Body Transformation Journey • 13min read

Triumph Over MS: One Mans Journey to Conquer Ironman

The sun was setting behind the mountains as Amanda walked towards her cabin. She had spent the day exploring the nearby woods, but now all she could think about was getting back and starting a fire. As she got closer to her cabin, something caught her eye -- there was smoke coming from her chimney. Confused, Amanda picked up the pace until she reached her front door. When she opened it, she found herself face-to-face with a stranger sitting in front of a roaring fire.

Rising from the Fall: A Story of Redemption and Success
Second chances • 10min read

Rising from the Fall: A Story of Redemption and Success

The heavy raindrops pounded against the windshield as she drove down the dark, deserted road. She had never been here before, but something drew her to this place - a strange sense of familiarity and foreboding all at once. As she navigated through the winding road, her headlights caught a glimpse of an old, abandoned mansion in the distance.