Stories tagged #DiversityMatters

Controversy Surrounding Casting Choices in Blockbuster Hit Movie
Entertainment • 8min read

Controversy Surrounding Casting Choices in Blockbuster Hit Movie

The upcoming blockbuster hit movie has been surrounded by controversy due to its casting choices. Director James Wong's decision to cast non-Asian actors in lead roles has sparked a backlash from fans and critics alike, with many accusing the movie of whitewashing. Despite attempts by Wong to defend his decisions, the controversy has continued to grow, leading some people to call for boycotts and petitions.

Breaking the Clique: How One Employee Sparked Change in a Toxic Workplace
Office Politics • 12min read

Breaking the Clique: How One Employee Sparked Change in a Toxic Workplace

The old mansion on the hill had always been shrouded in mystery. For years, it had sat abandoned, with rumors circulating about the strange occurrences that had taken place within its walls. But when a group of teenagers decide to explore the mansion one summer night, they discover that there's far more to this house than anyone ever imagined.