Stories tagged #FightingBack

Breaking the Chains: The Fight for Freedom and Equality
Historical Fiction • 12min read

Breaking the Chains: The Fight for Freedom and Equality

The sun was setting over the vast expanse of the ocean, casting a warm golden glow across the sky. Mia stood at the edge of the cliff, taking in the breathtaking view that lay before her. The salty sea breeze whipped through her hair as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling grateful to be alive in that moment. She had come to this spot every year on this day - her birthday - since she was a little girl.

Whispers in the Speakeasy: A Tale of Secrets and Survival
Historical Fiction • 9min read

Whispers in the Speakeasy: A Tale of Secrets and Survival

It was a dark and stormy night when the small town of Millfield woke up to find that something was terribly wrong. The quiet streets were now filled with chaos as people ran for their lives, screaming for help. As it turned out, a notorious serial killer had escaped from prison and made his way into the town.