Stories tagged #FindingYourVoice

Through the Lens of Adversity: A Journey of Loss, Travel, and Inspiration
Second chances • 9min read

Through the Lens of Adversity: A Journey of Loss, Travel, and Inspiration

It was an inexplicably dark and stormy night, the kind that you'd only read about in mystery novels or see in horror movies. The rain fell relentlessly from the sky, pounding against the pavement with a deafening roar. Lightning illuminated the sky every few seconds, casting eerie shadows across everything it touched. Despite all of this, I found myself alone on a deserted street corner, shivering uncontrollably as I clutched my coat around me tighter.

Rocking the Mentorship: The Journey of a Young Artist and an Aging Rock Star
Unlikely friendships • 6min read

Rocking the Mentorship: The Journey of a Young Artist and an Aging Rock Star

It was a typical Saturday afternoon when I first laid eyes on the old, abandoned mansion at the end of the street. The house had always been there, looming behind an overgrown garden and a rusted gate, but I had never paid much attention to it until now. As I walked closer, drawn by a strange curiosity, I sensed that something was off about the place. The air felt heavy with secrets and memories long gone.